October 20th, 2024


Scale your business faster with advanced analytics—no setup required

We strongly believe that access to business critical data helps you make clearer decisions faster, whether in the form of axing a product or scaling new promotions, especially more so when backed by data.

But we've been trailing in that department for a bit. However, we're stepping up the heat with advanced analytics which is now live on your business dashboard. With advanced analytics, businesses can now:

— Build advanced reports and charts based on specific filters.
— Set automated rules to create reports based on presets within a timeframe.
— Configure data to automatically generate reports with one click.

With the Billgang data platform, you’ll get full visibility into every aspect of what makes your website with real-time reporting.

You can get started with advanced analytics by visiting your business dashboard and creating reports today: https://dash.billgang.com/advanced-analytics

Access to advanced analytics is limited to customers on our Scale plan. Learn more about pricing: https://billgang.com/pricing.