March 19th 2024


Introducing audit logs for large businesses

When you're building an internet business with multiple teams and functions across billing, support, fulfillment, and more, you need a clear historical log of actions taken by each member on your team.

That's why we're launching audit support for businesses powered by Billgang. You'll receive event notifications when members attempt to create, update, or delete any feature within your business dashboard.

We've been tracking historical events and they're now LIVE on your business dashboard here:

As always, we've pushed a ton of fixes for non-platform breaking bugs:

  • Fixed redirects from specific checkouts back to the order delivery page

  • Fixed displays of enabled payment types on storefront checkouts

  • Fixed short descriptions on already created products not reflecting on storefronts

  • Fixed inputs on various theme designs via storefront checkouts

  • Fixed issues when disabling storefront password protection

  • Fixed product block heights when texts aren't aligned on storefronts

  • Fixed minor design and grid issue for storefronts on mobile devices

  • Fixed subdomains not correctly redirecting to custom domains

  • Fixed settings when saving colors on the storefront builder

  • Fixed various minor frontend issues across the business dashboard

  • Fixed grammatical errors and spelling across the platform

There's also been a host of other improvements from our last announced changelog:

  • Improved save settings and beautified various parts of the dashboard

  • Improved CashApp confirmation and payment pages via storefronts

  • Improved tracking and storefront conversion data internally